Here’s why I have faith in humanity

May 16, 2023

Well, it’s been quite a week over here (in all the best ways possible).

My daughter, Zoe, turned 18! Celebrations were had. With black forest cake. And Oakley singing like a choirboy.

As a parent, one of my highlights of the occasion is that Zoe is more interested in getting to vote than she is in drinking alcohol. Hooray! And as luck would have it, there’s an election this very month. What perfect timing.

Zoe was born on Mother’s Day so every few years we share that day. This year, however, her birthday was as far away from Mother’s Day as possible, which was fitting, what with her venturing forth into adulthood and all.

Which takes us to the next celebration. Mother’s Day.

First, I received these lovely cards. Oakley’s made me laugh. (It has a play-by-play account of what he said he's heard a million times from Dr Sue teaching yoga.)


Zoe’s made me cry. 


Next, we had spectacular oat pancakes and berry sauce (after all...

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What’s really going on when you wake up at night

May 09, 2023

I just finished a weekend course with my mentor Dr Sue and learned so many fascinating things about spirituality, the body, the breath, the mind and how to bring them all into unity.

When reflecting on what stood out, there was a conversation about sleep that I thought you might find valuable. 

What I love about Dr Sue and her work is that she always offers a new perspective. Here’s a one on waking up in the night.

It’s not a problem. (That’s right; not a typo - it’s not a problem!)

When you wake up during the sacred hours (any time it’s dark and not time to get up), it’s not that you did something wrong. It’s actually a great sign. What’s happening is that your soul is waking you up because there’s an opportunity for conscious integration.

At a certain point during the night, the body is finished all of its digestion and detoxification tasks. When that happens, it has energy ready and available for integration (of emotions,...

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I decided I didn’t need this in my life

May 02, 2023

In 2020 when things went sideways, I got a very strong message to let go. At first, I didn’t really know what to let go of, but over time, my intuition guided me.

And PS (yes there is a PS in the second paragraph), it wasn’t a lightning bolt of clarity. Rather, it was a little nudge every so often; an idea that kept coming back. Initially, I didn’t listen very carefully but there it was, over and over again until I decided to take action. 

The nudge was to close my LinkedIn account. My mind had things to say about that because I had thousands of connections. I had taken courses in using LinkedIn effectively, I had poured a lot of time and effort into it and it was part of my business.

However, intuition often doesn’t make any sense and regardless, it’s good to act on it. So one day, I clicked delete. I was very surprised at what happened next. 

(Just like this:)

A wave of relief and energy washed over me. It took me a while to realize why but...

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How are you making your decisions?

Apr 25, 2023

There are basically two ways. You can either make decisions from love or from fear. 

The status quo is to make decisions from fear. It can be fear of what will happen in the future or it can be fear based on what’s happened in the past. Fear rarely has anything to do with the present moment. (Unless there is real and present danger, of course, but that is actually more rare than you would think.)

Some fears that get involved in the decision-making process include:

  • Fears around money
  • Fear about what others will think
  • Fear about being judged (closely related to the previous fear with a subtle difference)
  • Fear about time (not having enough, not being productive enough, wasting it, etc)
  • Fear of the unknown

Fear doesn’t tend to be the best helper, though, because it’s often made up.

Love, on the other hand, is a great helper when making decisions because it aligns you with Spirit (aka Infinite Intelligence, which has a much greater grasp on things than our little...

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Singing, Yoga, Healing and Expanding Comfort Zones

Apr 18, 2023

In March, we went to Mexico. I know I already told you all about it and yet, there’s something else I’d like to share that caught my attention.

First, though, in order for it to make sense, you need to know this seemingly unrelated other thing (don’t worry - I’ll pull it all together eventually).

14 months ago, I got my Body Awake Yoga Certification and I was very keen to start teaching classes. Online was the immediate solution (maybe you’ve even attended a class or two?)

For my own practice, I take regular online classes from Dr Sue Morter (my mentor) and during her savasana at the end of class, she plays music known as the Gayatri Mantra. Since it makes sense to emulate success, I thought I would do the same. 

Then I realized that I don’t have a team of people like Dr Sue does and so it wasn’t super easeful to get a song going in my own savasana portion of class. What did seem (mostly) easeful was just singing the prayer myself. No...

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Earlybird for Book Study Ending Tonight + The Unknown Reason I Started Running

Apr 11, 2023

Greetings and good day to you!

First off, if you’re considering joining the Energy Codes Book Study that starts next week, today is the last day to get the Earlybird discount. 

You know how the early bird catches the worm? I suspect you’re not too interested in worms (unless you really are a bird), but in this case, the worm is $50 in savings (which, in my mind, is infinitely more appealing than actual worms. They are so not my favourite creature - No offence worms). 

The Energy Codes is hands down the most impactful and transformative book I’ve ever read. It’s had so many positive effects in my life (see one of the unexpected ones below) that I had to get certified to share it with others. From having more energy to putting in way less effort for far better results, from improved relationships to more abundance than I’ve ever imagined, it’s changed my life in every way. 

More info on the Energy Codes Book Study (scroll down towards...

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Relaxing Chaos in Mexico & Energy Codes Book Study

Apr 04, 2023

First off, in case you don’t want to hear about adventures in Mexico and just want to get to the upcoming Energy Codes Book Study info, here it is. (But let me just say that without practicing what I learned in the Energy Codes, our recent trip to Mexico would have been way more chaos and way less relaxing.)

Click one of the links below for info on the upcoming Energy Codes Book Study starting on Tuesday, April 18.

Longer entertaining version is here

Short and less entertaining version is here

If you’ve done the Book Study previously, reply to this email to request the special rate of $97. 

Note: There’s an Earlybird Discount for first-timers until April 11 end of day. You’ll find info on that in the FAQ of the longer version.

Now, if you’d like to hear about how a holiday can be relaxing amidst chaos, read on.

Up until this year, my kids and husband have been in separate school systems, meaning that they never had the same Spring Break. This...

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Stretching that Comfort Zone in a Gym Full of Kids

Mar 28, 2023

One of my intentions when my first children’s book What Makes a Dancer got published a few months ago was to go share it at schools. 

I had visions of reading my book to groups of enraptured students to help them increase their love for the power of dance. 

After much outreach and action-taking, my dream came true this past week (hooray!). I got to do book readings at two elementary schools in Calgary. There were many learnings from the experience so I thought I would share them with you. 

Learning #1 Using the Tools

Although I’ve taught all ages of humans from 6 months to mid-90s, this new experience had me feeling nervous. It was just enough outside of my comfort zone to cause me to take notice. 

Here are some strategies and mindset practices I used as the nerves came up.

  • From my mentor, Dr Sue Morter, I learned that the feelings we call anxious or nervous are really just indications that our personal power is showing up and that what we are about...
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The Day I Knew I was Magic

Mar 21, 2023

Back in the days of yore, I taught the dance option at a high school in Calgary. In my first year, the class was held in the theatre. There was a stereo on wheels that we used for the music. It was handy in that it could be rolled around and it was also not handy because there was no remote control. I had to walk up to the stereo to stop and start the music. (Come to think of it, I could have just asked whoever was closest to turn it on or off, but that wouldn’t have occurred to me in those days… asking for help was not something I knew about.)

So, I put on a lot of miles moving to and fro to do the music. One day, as I approached the stereo to turn it off, it stopped by itself. 

“You guys!” I exclaimed to my grade 11 class. “Did you see that!?! The music turned itself off!”

They nodded but didn’t seem nearly as excited as I was. No matter; I had enough enthusiasm for everyone.  

The next time I walked towards the stereo to...

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What I learned from my daughter’s black belt test

Mar 14, 2023

This past Saturday, my daughter, Zoe, got her black belt in mixed martial arts. It was a gruelling 6-hour test that was a culmination of thousands of hours of training over the past 8 years. 

There were kicks, dive rolls over bamboo (and humans), weapons-work, joint-lock, flips, sparring, jabs, crosses and uppercuts. There was philosophy, endurance, stamina, grace and flexibility. There was also a great deal of stress (especially for me). Of course, there was stress for Zoe too. Hers was prior to the test. Mine was during. 

I’d love to share with you a few things that I learned from the experience. 

Learning #1

Zoe created a kata (a routine of moves that was to represent her learnings over the course of her training). There were advanced components like a back extension (a backwards roll that pushes up into a handstand), an aerial (cartwheel with no hands) and a forward roll into a kip-up (kind of a half-forward roll that she sprung off her shoulders and onto...

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