How to Manifest a Miraculous Home (or whatever else you want)

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2022

This week, I’m writing to you from our new home where we’re mostly moved in. We have fewer storage spots than our last place, so it’s been like putting together a puzzle. Thank goodness we’re all creative people!

I wanted to share with you how we manifested this amazing dream home. The process will work for whatever you’d like to attract into your life as well. Interested? I’m guessing yes, so let’s proceed. (If it’s a no, here’s where you would click delete and carry on with the rest of your day; farewell if that’s the case.)

Step 1: Tune into your intuition

Many months ago, I started getting the feeling that it was time to move. Because we had only moved into our last place a year ago, and it didn’t make much rational sense, so I withheld judgement and followed the nudges. 

Step 2: Set an intention and ask for heavenly help

I’m a big fan of hiring heavenly helpers for as many areas of life as possible. In fact, I have a legion of helpers working for me in other realms at all times. As soon as we decided that we were going to buy a home, I hired a committee. (For more on heavenly helpers, check out the book Hiring the Heavens by Jean Slatter. It’s short, sweet and super effective.)

Basically, I proclaimed something like: The perfect home is now ours. It is done. I love living in our new home!

I also made a list of all the things I wanted in our ideal home. Having it written down helps the Universe (and you) be clear.

Step 3: Take Inspired Action

Along with the Universe and Heavenly Helpers, it’s important to take inspired action. In this case, I set up alerts for real estate listings in areas that worked for us. We hired a real estate agent, got pre-approved for a mortgage and then started seeing homes. The Universe can’t do it all; it’s a co-creation, so inspired action is necessary. 

Step 4: Find the balance between cheerful expectation and detachment

This step takes some practice. You want to be focused on what you are calling in and you also need to feel as though you would be perfectly fine if it never happened. 

We viewed MANY homes. For my family, it was an emotional roller coaster. There was the high of thinking a place was perfect and then the low of learning that it had major issues (such as the entire basement floor being so slanted that the doors didn’t close properly). Personally, I enjoyed the adventure. If a place seemed perfect, I envisioned us living there. If we discovered a deal breaker, I let it go quickly, trusting that something even better was waiting. 

We looked for months (and months) and at some points, it seemed like nothing was going to happen. I just kept coming back to knowing that on some level, it was already done and we just had to keep taking inspired action in the best way we could, viewing homes and maintaining cheerful expectation. 

Step 5: Trust, Trust and Trust some more

This step is simple in theory. You practice trusting that it is already done. And it takes strong emotional and mental fortitude, so it’s a great opportunity to practice focusing on what you want rather than on what the world seems to be giving you on the outside.

Always come back to the feeling of what you will experience when it happens. Anytime your thoughts wander or take a plunge into ‘what iffing’, use it as a cue to instead find the feeling on the inside of what you’ll feel when your dream becomes reality. For me, I practiced joy, excitement and the relief of a quieter place. 

I also love the mantra: It’s all turning out better than I ever could have imagined. It’s a great antidote to doubt.

Step 6: Follow your heart

One day, we went to view a house and as soon as we stepped inside, I said, “ I love it!” 

Our realtor said, “Whoa, I’ve never heard you say that before!”

We zoomed through the house, exclaiming with delight as we entered each room. It felt like our home. All four of us agreed that we would love to live there. Our hearts were saying yes.

Step 7: Take a leap and trust some more

We learned that there were already at least two offers on the home, even though it had only been on the market for a few hours. Following our realtor’s advice, we stretched as far as we could with our offer. We hired some more heavenly helpers to help our offer be the chosen one and we also asked for some signs. When I learned that the current owner’s name was also Christina, I felt like the home would be ours. 

Within a few hours of doing my best to detach, we learned that our offer had been accepted! Hooray! We bought a home!

The reason I say trust some more in this step is that often when you follow your heart, your mind will subsequently try to trick you into thinking you’ve made the wrong choice (buyer’s remorse anyone?). It can be very convincing. When you make any kind of heart-based decision, you just need to trust that it’s the right one. 

My husband had quite the experience of doubting we made the right choice, but here’s something I learned recently from my mentor, Dr. Sue Morter. The highest spiritual behaviour is to follow your heart and then figure it out as you go along. The Universe will always give you next steps and solutions, so by honouring your heart, you get access to whatever ideas will help you along the way. 

Bonus Step: Maintain spiritual self-care practices

All along the way, I made sure to do what I consider to be the most important steps for manifesting anything; daily breathwork, meditation and Body Awake Yoga. Maintaining a strong connection with my Soulful Self made every other step seem easy and graceful. Whereas my family found the journey to be a roller coaster, I sailed through and was able to support them from a really strong place of certainty and inner strength. (They’re on board with daily meditation and some breathwork here and there, but they’re still in the resisting phase for yoga, which is to be expected since most of them are teenagers and what does mom know?)

So there you have it. That’s what worked to manifest our dream home. I’m writing to you from our peaceful oasis of a backyard where dappled sunlight is sparkling through the leaves that are whispering in the breeze. A buddha with a hint of a smile sits next to a little herb garden and vines are growing up a trellis. It’s better than I ever could have imagined. 

Happy manifesting!

With peaceful love and expanding courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>Practicing being calm in the chaos of stuff without storage yet

>Winner of a free ice cream yesterday; what abundance!

PS - Next time I’ll share how I got through the unexpected parts of moving (injuries, precious objects breaking and danh danh duunnnhhh… no wifi!)

PPS - Our next Hawaiian Healing Dance ritual is coming up soon. If you are carrying too much, you’re invited to lay it down during this powerful and cleansing session. (No dance skill necessary; it’s really more moving your body in a way that feels good to you.) Click here for more details.
