3 ideas to light a fire under your butt

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2024

Thanks to the work I do with the wonderful Year of Miracles program, I get to hear world-renowned speakers share their messages several times a month. 

Most recently, I heard Jack Canfield give a talk and he made a few points that I’ve been contemplating. 

*Except I haven't been contemplating by the ocean at sunset. More like contemplating looking at the snow in my backyard. 

1- Stop being who you’re not

He shared that kids are really good at being who they are. For example, kids are generous. They will share whatever they have with whoever shows up. 

Imagine if we kept that up as adults. I think a lot of problems would be solved. 

Kids are also energetic because they’re tuned into universal energy. They don’t resist it, they just let it pour through. 

Your words are important here. If you go around saying that you’re tired all the time, guess what? You can have what you say and your words are powerful. 

Instead of declaring that you have no energy (which is actually impossible since we’re made of energy and nothing but), choose your words more carefully. 

If you are, in fact, tired, then say something like: I’m getting more energized as the day goes on. 

Stop being who you’re not. Are they any ways that you’re showing up that aren’t the truth of who you are? It’s worth contemplating. 


This lovely little acronym stands for “get off your a**”.

If you have a dream then take inspired action toward it. Jack recommends taking 5 action steps daily. 

Personally, I know I have some room for improvement in this area. I do take action every day toward the person I want to become, but lately, there have been days where it’s been way less than 5 things. 

As spring rolls around, I’m feeling a fresh burst of new beginnings so it feels like things are amping up. Plus, because of the solar eclipse next week on the 8th, energy is generally high. 

Are you clear on your dreams and the person you’re becoming?

If not, that’s a great place to start. And if you are clear, what actions can you devote yourself to on a daily basis?

And PS - some of the actions are things you may already be doing. For instance, I get on the yoga mat every day because it’s aligned with who I want to become. I also go for a walk because connecting with nature is important to me. Healthy food is another area where I take daily action.

What are your areas of importance that you want to take action on? 

Get out your journal and a pen and start to write the answers to these great questions. 

3- Be persistent

When you have your dreams in place, persistence is imperative. You have to be so in love with your vision that you will move in that direction, even when it seems the only reason to do so is to practice being devoted. 

I love the idea of being devoted. It works for me much more so than discipline or commitment. From the outside, my practices definitely look like discipline, but the difference about devotion is that there’s love involved. 

Devotion contains my why(s). 

I do the things even when I don’t feel like doing them because I love my vision of humanity filled with consciousness and awareness. 

I love the idea of every human being being able to access both divine masculine and divine feminine energies as needed and being able to discern the difference. 

I love the idea of people transforming into the best version of themselves. 

I love harmony. I love laughter. I love learning and openness.

I want all of that for all of humanity and I want it for me, too. 

Devotion is also my why. It feels powerful and purposeful to be devoted to something. So I choose the things that are important to me and I keep persisting. 

How about you? What are you devoted to? 

Are you being persistent? If not so much, what do ideas do you love so much that it’s worth going through resistance, fear and whatever else shows up?

So, thank you Jack Canfield for sharing some big ideas that feel invigorating. I hope they have been helpful for you too.

May your upcoming week be filled with showing up as who you truly are, taking inspired action and being persistent through devotion. 

(I’m working on feeling devoted to getting my taxes done ;)

With steadfast love and faithful courage,


>Creator of Courageous Self-Care

>Most definitely going forward with my upcoming course Inner Peace for Global Peace; just a little later than anticipated because the dates I chose are also badminton tournament dates for my son… stay tuned, details to follow

>So thrilled to discover that there are kettle-like appliances to make your own nut milk/oat milk where you don’t need to strain it through a nut milk bag or t-shirt! I’m getting one! Just waiting for the green light to get the one I want shipped to Canada!


Once I have my nut milk maker, I’ll share it with you (assuming I love it). For today, here’s what I recommend. 

Go outside and bask in the glory of seasons changing. 

I went for a long walk today in the sun and reveled in the birds singing (and trying to peck their way through a lamppost), the water rushing down the grates and off the roofs, and the warmth on my back. Oh, it was heavenly. 

I left my phone at home and just walked and noticed what I noticed. It felt so amazing that I hope you can do that too. 

I had the feeling of Maria singing, “The hills are alive, with the sound of muuuuuus------iiiiiiiiic!”


Although you might think I’m going to share that song with you now from the Sound of Music, I am not because I’m guessing you can bring it to mind without even listening to it. 

Instead, here’s another song from my new playlist of favourites. It’s from the classical family and I think it’s so peaceful, uplifting, soothing and sacred. Clair de Lune by Debussy. Gorgeous. 

Listen to Clair de Lune on iTunes

Listen to Clair de Lune on Spotify
